Glimpses - In Closing
We have looked at aging out around the world and seen the huge need. To recap,
In America almost 20,000 youth age out of foster care each year, many unequipped for the journey ahead - school, living on their own, and managing a home and finances.
In South America many orphans are in the system because of poverty and neglect - as they age out without resources of their own, the cycle is often repeated.
In Asia orphans are considered second class citizens and are often ruled out as “unusable”.
In Eastern Europe orphans who age out face the bleak circumstance of being completely alone and on their own.
In Africa the system collapses under the weight of youth being orphaned by disease, and the orphans who complete the cycle of abandonment and age out are susceptible to repeating the mistakes of those before them, as they have not seen another way.
Orphans around the world are more vulnerable to:
Human Traffickers - Homelessness - Suicide
What can I do?
Maybe one of the ministries we listed touched your heart. Maybe you feel God telling you to move right now!
We hope that this has been an eye opening series and that you feel empowered to do something to care for the orphan because of what God has revealed through this series. Would you like to continue the discussion? Empty Frames Initiative is touring the U.S. starting January 14, 2016! Would you like to come? Woud you like to be a part? Sign up here!
We would love to hear your thoughts on what can be done by the church and individuals to care for the fatherless. Log in to Facebook to comment below!