Dearly Deeply Burdened Podcast
Have you ever felt called to something challenging?
Have you felt led to explore a burden God laid on your heart?
Have you ever felt that you and your church had more to offer the community?
We've been working on a podcast, the Dearly Deeply Burdened Podcast, here at Empty Frames Initiative. It's a very organic, pilot-like podcast with minimal editing and several errors along the way. But it's a place to start!
This podcast is not for everyone, but it is for believers who feel dearly and deeply burdened to come to the defense of the vulnerable. We will discuss rhetoric, circumstances, and make an effort to view vulnerabilities from a “big picture” lens.
There are many of us in a pew, waiting for a commission that’s already been given. Scripture has already called us out, set us apart, and asked of us to give ours lives wholly to Christ. This podcast, an Empty Frames Initiative endeavor, is an opportunity to create a community that values risk and accountability as we walk together in our calling. This is the Dearly, Deeply Burdened Podcast.
Listen at the link below or wherever you get your podcasts!