Resources - Audio
Our team has started a Spotify account! We are gathering a collection of audio resources, podcasts we've been featured on, and music that keeps us inspired. Our NC Representative, Lauren, wrote an article about a time when worship illustrated God's sovereignty over all circumstances and we encourage you to read the full piece on her blog! Here's a preview:
His name is victory. Victory over all of the painful parts of [the] story; victory over the rejection, victory over the loneliness, victory over the fear. It’s this crazy mess of heartbreak and grief and beauty all at the same time. We grieve because no child should ever have to be separated from their God-given mom and dad, and no child should ever experience rejection from the two people who are supposed to love them most. But at the same time, I’m in awe of being able to witness such tangible evidence that the darkness has not overcome the light.
-Lauren Elizabeth Blog
Have any resources you think should be included on our Spotify? Comment below with your suggestions of what podcasts educate you about foster care or transitioning out of care, and any music that keeps you encouraged!